Amp Nova’s power storage wall ESS is powered by the latest Li-ion battery technology, providing users with a reliable and environmentally-friendly backup power system. Our home battery features a sleek and modern design, with high energy den...
The rack-mountable batteries offered by Amp Nova provide a reliable and efficient backup power solution for critical systems. Engineered with advanced lithium-ion phosphate technology, these batteries offer several benefits over traditional batter...
HTM Series is a flexible, high-performance, silica aerogel-based insulation material of limited combustibility used for exterior and interior applications.
HTM Series is a flexible, high-performance, silica...
Vendi: ChinaRajon: HebeiQytet: Zhonghua north street
Tianxiang Packaging & Printing specializes in gift box customization, paper box manufacturing and processing, carton customization with color printing and related packaging customization services.
Oil press is suitable for all kinds of oil extraction, widely used in all kinds of oil extraction industry.(peanut,sunflower,coconut,soybean,rapeseed,hemp,mustard,etc.)
Filmi poliimid Seria FEP është film poliimid i veshur me FEP në njërën ose të dyja anët, jep izolim termik, siguron një pengesë lagështie dhe rrit rezistencën kimike. Përdoret kryesisht n...
Qoftë një kompleks rezidencial i vlerësuar me çmime në Danimarkë, një ndërtesë e jashtëzakonshme muzeu në Francë ose një kullë uji në Luksemburg - ndërtuesit, arkite...
Një përzierje e lajmeve ndërkombëtare, risive, panaireve tregtare, tregtisë brenda dhe jashtë vendit. Informohuni para të tjerëve dhe regjistrohuni tani në gazetën Exportpages.