
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

24.01.2024 01:01

RK Rose+Krieger expands its range of single-tube linear axles

New sliding guides with individual positioning

RK Rose+Krieger is expanding its range of single-tube linear axes for simple manual adjustment with the RK LightUnit-G and RK LightUnit-G telescope sliding guides. Special features of the new linear axes made of aluminum are the adjustable locking position of the guide carriage or guide tube, the weight-reduced design, corrosion resistance and simple assembly with just one tool.

The spindle-driven single-tube linear axis RK LightUnit was specially developed for simple manual adjustment. It has an aluminum spindle and plastic plain bearings. These ensure a weight-reduced design so that the guide carriage can be moved with little effort. RK Rose+Krieger is now adding the RK LightUnit-G and RK LightUnit-G telescope sliding guides with adjustable locking positions to these single-tube linear axes.

Adjustable locking function

The aluminum guide profile of the RK LightUnit-G can be cut to size up to a length of 1,500 mm. Positioning elements are fixed in the groove of the open C-guide profile for exact positioning of the manually adjustable guide carriage. During movement, the locking bolt of the guide carriage automatically engages in these positioning elements. The special feature compared to other solutions is that the aluminum positioning elements can be released at any time using an Allen key and locked in another position. This means that any number of locking positions can be realized without drilling.

In contrast to the RK LightUnit-G, the telescopic version has a guide tube that can be positioned by hand. Any number of locking positions can also be defined using the positioning elements in the C guide profile.


The sliding guides are ideal for applications such as format adjustments on conveyor lines, positioning sensors and light barriers, saw stops, fixture construction and applications where simple manual positioning or height adjustment is required. The plastic guide carriages are available in 3 different versions to meet the various requirements. If the application requires it, different types of guide carriages can be used on one guide profile. Each individual element of the new sliding guides can be purchased separately by the user. Thanks to this modular system, they can be flexibly combined according to requirements. Another advantage is that all components can be delivered quickly from stock.

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RK Rose+Krieger ka zgjeruar gamën e saj të aksesorëve për lidhësit e tubave plastikë me një pjesë 30 mm RK Light Clamps. Bllokimi i ri me kthesë kundër përdredhjes garanton montim që kursen kohë dhe rregullim të thjeshtë të konstruksionit për montimet e sistemit. Sistemi i bërë nga tub alumini të anodizuar (diametri 30 mm) me katër kanale profili në një distancë këndi 90° dhe kapëse plastike të zeza prej poliamide të përforcuar mund të kombinohen lirshëm me të gjitha kapëset e lehta RK me madhësi 30 mm në një dhomë të mbyllur. dizajni. Avantazh shtesë: Është shumë më e lehtë për t'u lidhur dhe montuar sesa kapëset e zakonshme të fletëve metalike.