
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

31.10.2024 02:10

RK Rose+Krieger expands its stainless steel mounting system Clip and secure

RK Rose+Krieger is now offering covers for assembly-related transitionsfor its stainless steel assembly system (EMS). The components complement the EMS perfectly and offer additional protection. They are also easy to install and suitable for use in food-related areas and cleanrooms.


The EMS from RK Rose+Krieger was successfully launched just over a year ago. The assembly system comprises connecting elements made of stainless steel, with which square or round tubes of the standard size 40 can be easily assembled into racks - i.e. without specialist knowledge and with just one tool. A special clamping connector made of cast stainless steel is pushed into the tube and connecting element and firmly clamped by tightening two screws in the tube. This eliminates the need to weld the tubes together.


More protection thanks to easy-to-fit cover

During installation, there is a visible transition between the pipe and connecting element through which the clamping connector and its screw hole can be seen. The company developed its new covers to protect this area from coarse soiling. A suitably shaped cover is available for each of the EMS connecting elements. It consists of two parts, which can be easily fitted by hand without tools using a clip around the corresponding clamping connector. The ergonomic design offers greater protection as well as an optimized feel at the connection points and enhances their appearance.


Thanks to their specific design, the covers are secured both axially and against twisting once fitted. Their design means that they are not only easy to fit, but also easy to remove. In the event of damage, they can be replaced without any problems.


Application-specific adaptations possible

The covers are made of light gray polyamide. Like the EMS with its corrosion-protected stainless steel parts, this makes them suitable for installations in clean rooms, for filling, packaging and conveyor systems in the food industry and for all areas at risk of corrosion. Manufacture from other materials or in other colors is possible on request. RK Rose+Krieger advises its customers on application-specific implementation.

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