
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

12.12.2024 01:12

RK Rose+Krieger extends its RK Compact series upwards RK Compact 160: Next size class of compact adjustment units

RK Rose+Krieger has extended its RK Compact series upwards with its new RK Compact 160 linear unit.

This makes the specialist for components and system solutions for industrial production the first company on the market to offer compact adjustment units with a width of 160 mm.


Whereas the previous 120 mm width was the limit, the RK Compact 160 opens up the next size class. With the new linear unit, RK Rose+Krieger is meeting the increased market demand for higher moment loads and longer strokes.


Exponentially higher forces and moment loads

RK Compact 160 achieves a maximum stroke of 750 mm. This is almost twice as much as the 120 mm wide linear units, which allow a stroke of 400 mm. In terms of force and torque loading, the new unit even achieves exponentially higher values than the previous sizes 30, 50, 80 and 120. For example, it reaches 800 N and 65 Nm on the X-axis (120 mm: 215 N and 32 Nm).


The full-range supplier of components and system solutions for industrial production and automation is thus opening up new fields of application involving the precise and safe positioning of larger loads. This includes, for example, the adjustment of visual systems in quality assurance or the adjustment of cross tables with stationary drilling machines or milling machines. In combination with other linear units such as the RK Compact 120, multi-axis systems are created that can be used to achieve positioning with an accuracy of 0.05 mm.


The linear unit is equipped with a 16x4 trapezoidal threaded spindle, which enables quick adjustment. Other spindle designs are also available on request. An adjustable guide nut ensures low-backlash movement and smooth running of the guide carriage.


Extensive range of accessories for functional expansion

As with the other models in the series, a comprehensive range of accessories is also available for the RK Compact 160. The unit can be equipped with a position indicator. An inductive limit switch can be installed both externally and internally, depending on the installation space. With a combination bracket, the component can be expanded with other RK Compact units to form a 2-axis system.


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